1. Why do we believe that God is judging America?

We know from the Bible that God brought many nations to judgement because of their sins, including the great nations of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon. The Lord also brought Israel to judgment for its sins, not even sparing His Temple. America is no different.

Americans have seen judgment fall from terrorist attacks, government corruption, crime, economic disasters, plague, rumors of war, and child sacrifice. Our nation is in serious trouble.

But the Bible also says that God sends judgment so that the people will learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:9). God restored Israel after their exile in Babylon, and we are praying that America will also repent and be restored.

2. Can a Christian come under judgement?

Yes. Paul writes, “When we are judged by God we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world,” 1 Corinthians 11:32. This discipline comes from a loving Father, and through it is painful, “It produces a harvest of righteousness and peace,” in God’s children, Hebrews 12:5-11.

Churches can also come under judgement, as can be seen with the Seven Churches of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, but God had a redemptive message for those Churches, as he has for the Churches of America.

3. Can prayer change America?

Yes, God promises to heal our land if His people will, “Humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways,” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Prayer prepares God’s people for revival, giving them God’s heart and God’s message. It was the foundation of the Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, the 1857 Revival, the Pentecostal Outpouring, and the Charismatic Renewal.

We believe that God wants to send an awakening to our generation if we will pray.

4. Why do you believe that the call to prayer is related to the American Solar Eclipses of October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024?

God handles his own public relations and solar eclipses have always captured the imagination and wonder of the people. The word wonder is used in our Bible translations to describe Dark Suns (Solar Eclipses) and Blood Moons (Lunar Eclipses) (Acts 2:17-21 and Joel 2:28-32). However, the word translated as “wonder” actually means “omen”, or a prophetic sign.

We believe that the two solar eclipses are prophetic signs calling America to prayer, repentance, and revival.

5. Is there a revelation of God in the Heavens?

Yes. God Himself named the Constellations (Job 38:32) and Stars (Psalm 147:4 and Isaiah 40:26). Psalm 19 states that ,“the Heavens declare the Glory of God,” and the Apostle Paul used Psalm 19 as proof that the knowledge of Christ was revealed (Romans 10: 17-18). 

God told Abraham to, “tell the Stars,” and said, “So shall thy seed be,” (Genesis 15:5) a reference to Christ as the “Seed of Woman” promised in Genesis 3:15. Indeed, the Constellations tell the story of Christ, The Seed of Woman, from the promise in Genesis 3:15 to the ultimate destruction of Satan.

We call this celestial revelation the Star Bible.

6. Do the sun, moon, and stars convey prophetic messages?

Yes. The most famous celestial prophetic message in the Bible was the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ. It was itself prophesied by Balaam as a “Star…out of Jacob” (Numbers 24:17).

God used the Stars to reveal to Abraham that Christ, the Seed of Woman, would be a descendent of his. (Genesis 15:5). Peter told us that Lunar and Solar Eclipses would be prophetic signs during the Church age. (Acts 2:17-21) 

And Jesus told us to watch for signs of His return in the sun, moon, and stars. (Luke 21:25). 

7. What about astrology?

Do not confuse the Star Bible with astrology. Astrology is an evil occult practice which attempts to control people through a purported ability to predict their future.

But God has made fools of the astrologers because a process known as the Precession of the Equinoxes moves the Constellations backward 1 day every 70 years. For example, the dates assigned to the Constellation Libra by astrology are September 23 to October 23. These dates were assigned at the time of Julius Caesar, but now the actual dates where the Sun is in Libra are October 31 to November 19. 

Astrology is a perversion of the Star Bible and is condemned by God. (Isaiah 47:13)

8. Why is a Sacred Assembly recommended during the October 14 Eclipse? 

A sacred assembly is a calling together of the whole Church, ministers, elders, adults, and children, to fast and cry out to the Lord in repentance during a time of judgement. It is a time to return to the Lord and seek His mercy. (Joel 2:12:17). 

The Eclipse is a picture of returning to the Lord as the Moon, symbolic of the Believers (Psalm 89:37), unites with the Sun, symbolic of Jesus (Psalm 19: 4-5). At the same time, this is an annular eclipse with a ring of fire around the Moon, symbolic of the judgements which surrounded us. We are called to repent, and we call this the Repentance Eclipse.

9. Why do we call the April 8, 2024 Eclipse the Second Chance Eclipse?

The Eclipse is a total Eclipse, picturing the unity of the believers (The Moon, Psalm 89:37) with Christ (The Sun, Psalm 19:4-5). However, instead of the ring of fire symbolizing judgement on October 14, 2023, there will be the Sun’s corona, or crown, symbolic of the crown of life (James 1:12 and Hebrews 2:9-11). 

We believe that if God’s people will pray and repent, God will give America a second chance in the same way He gives is children a second chance when they sin and repent. We are calling this eclipse the Second Chance Eclipse. 

10. How do I participate in the American Wake Up Call? 

The American Wake Up Call is a prayer initiative based on prayer for repentance and revival. You can participate in a number of ways:

Join us in prayer during the Eclipse 

  • At home

  • With your prayer group

  • At Church

  • At a meeting if one is available 

Open a place for prayer 

Make a pilgrimage to pray on site during an Eclipse 

Tell others about the American Wake Up Call

Pray for the American Wake Up Call 

Follow up with a community outreach to show the love of God by praying for the community, caring for the needs of the community, and sharing the gospel. 

We do not ask for your money, but we do ask for your prayers.